Dispensational Time Line


The chart on this page illustrates the RIGHT DIVISION of God’s word.

In the books of Genesis through Malachi, along with the four Gospels and the opening chapters of the book of Acts, God sets forth the details of the “TIME PAST” aspect of His program and dealings with Israel. We Gentiles were “without Christ” and “without God in the world” at this time. (Ephesians 2:11-12) This portion of the Bible records God’s special covenant dealings with Israel and the outworking of His program with them before this present dispensation.

However when God raised up the apostle Paul as a brand new apostle (Acts 9) things changed. To Paul God revealed the “mystery of Christ” – a secret purpose which He has in Christ involving a new dispensation and a “new creation.” Until Paul was raised up God’s program with Israel was in effect. “BUT NOW” God has temporarily suspended Israel’s program and the dispensation of Gentile grace is now in effect. Paul is the “apostle of the Gentiles” in accordance with the revelation of “the mystery.” Hence it is in his epistles of Romans through Philemon that we have the doctrine and instruction from God that is directly TO us and expressly ABOUT us today.

During this present dispensation of grace God is NOT carrying out His program with Israel. Yet God is by no means through with Israel. As Paul teaches in Romans 9-11, God will resume and fulfill His program and dealings with Israel after this present dispensation is over. Israel’s “fulness” is yet “TO COME.” In accordance with this the books of Hebrews through The Revelation follow Paul’s epistles in the Divine layout of the Bible, and they focus upon the resumption and fulfillment of God’s program with Israel.

The Bible records ALL of God’s plan and purpose – His “TIME PAST” dealings with Israel, His “NOW” dealings with us, and the resumption of Israel’s program yet “TO COME.” The RIGHT DIVISION of the Bible in accordance with this layout is the key to its proper handling and understanding.

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