was Eve already formed in Adam’s rib


Was Eve brought into existence at the time when God formed her from Adam’s rib as outlined in Genesis?


If my understanding is correct, yes. Since “rib” / “ribs” is the issue in Genesis 2 and not ‘chamber’ or any other such concept; and since the passage says that God “took one of (Adam’s) ribs” and then from “the rib” which He had taken “made he a woman”; then it is clear to me that the woman was not already in existence within Adam. Instead God “made” her from “the rib” that He took out of Adam. And this is confirmed by Paul later on in I Timothy 2 when he says, “For Adam was first formed, then Eve.” Both Adam and Eve were created on the same sixth day of creation, just as Genesis 1 states. But they were not both created at the exact same time on that sixth day, just as Genesis 2 goes on to state as it gives a detailed account of God’s creation of man, both male and female, on that sixth day.

Keith Blades
Enjoy The Bible Ministries

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