I Samuel 16 – I Kings 11

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I Samuel 16 – I Kings 11

Samuel made it evident that Israel was worthy of having the Second Course of Punishment come upon them. However, instead of the Second Course beginning, God gave Israel an interlude of glorious blessing and prosperity under David and Solomon. This was not a stipulation of the Law contract. On the contrary, it was not merited at all. I Samuel 16 through I Kings 11 record this golden age of Israel’s grandeur. God graciously gave Israel this time of blessing and prosperity for a very special reason. Throughout it He manifested to them every aspect of His “Jehovah-ness” that they would be beneficiaries of when He fulfilled to them what His name “Jehovah” meant. Moreover, He revealed to them the very means by which His “Jehovah-ness” would go into effect. He Himself, Adonai Jehovah, would become one of them to do for them what they could not do for themselves. He would enflesh Himself in the line of the seed of David to do this. This is what the Davidic Covenant is all about. While under the First Course of Punishment God made it evident that Israel needed a redeemer, as well as a deliverer, avenger, king and blesser. He also made it evident that not one of them could be any of these things. Therefore, their only hope was for God Himself to become these things for them. In accordance with His name “Jehovah” God covenanted with David to become these very things. The Davidic covenant contracted for God to implement His “Jehovah-ness” for Israel and fulfill these five mandates. God Himself would become Israel’s Redeemer, Deliverer, Avenger, King and Blesser. Through both David and Solomon God gave Israel foretastes of what the fulfillment of those five mandates would mean for Israel. As shown on the chart, a parallel account of Israel’s history from the time of David until the beginning of the Fifth Course of Punishment is given in the books of I and II Chronicles. This second parallel account emphasizes God’s faithfulness in spite of Israel’s apostasy, as well as his special dealings with David’s line in view of the Davidic covenant.
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