Excellency of Older English

The English language is one of the most expressive languages on earth. Its vocabulary is very rich, as is its capacity to make highly meaningful use of its vocabulary through varied structure and style. Though this is still true today, it was unparalleled in the ‘Golden Age’ of English, during which time the King James Bible was brought forth.

This series of studies provides a basic introduction to the excellency of older English by looking at examples of such excellency in 3 particular areas:

Section 1 – Vocabulary
Section 2 – Structure and Style
Section 3 – Miscellaneous Matters

Table of Contents


Lesson 1

Introduction: alway, always, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, thee, thou, you, ye

Lesson 2

ye, you, thee, thou, alway, always

Lesson 3

alway, always, establish, stablish

Lesson 4

establish, stablish

Lesson 5

throughly, thoroughly, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit, spirit

Lesson 6

Holy Ghost, ghost, Spirit, holy Spirit, holy spirit, profane, babblings, atonement, emulation, piety, froward

(Resources for dictionaries and synonyms mentioned)

Structure & Style

Lesson 7
Lesson 8

Miscellaneous Matters

Lesson 9
  • impersonal pronoun “it”, reflexive pronoun “itself”
  • pronoun “which” instead of “whom” or “whom”
Lesson 10
  • relative pronoun ‘which’ in connection with the Holy Ghost
  • older English phraseology; “old wives’ fables”, “…what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height,”
Lesson 11
  • older English phraseology; “God forbid”
  • issue with respect to holy Spirit; small ‘h’ instead of the capital ‘H”
Lesson 12
  • issue with respect to holy Spirit; small ‘h’ instead of the capital ‘H” (continued)
  • example, ensample
  • “provoke to jealousy”, “provoke to emulation”
  • rejoice, glory
  • enemies, foes
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