>>”TIME PAST” Table of Contents the ‘method of the Lord’s weaponry’ in that day the LORD goes to battle Why did God deal with his enemies severely? “…as many as were ordained to eternal life…” “…the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem…” Daniel 9:25 order of the kings in Nehemiah and Ezra 400 years of silence What did Nebuchadnezzar see in the furnace in Daniel 3:25? Israel’s Great Commission & Ours I Corinthians 11:27-34; chastening Matthew 6:14 difference between kingdom of Heaven and kingdom of God Israel’s Blessed Hope Jehovah, the Rock Parable of 10 virgins & marriage feast of the lamb “Receive Ye The Holy Ghost” “Behold, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You” “And not as Moses” 360 Degree Thinking all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth Exodus 32:1–4 “sweet influences of Pleiades” and the “bands of Orion” Matthew 6:14–15 II Samuel 8:4 compared with I Chronicles 18:4, and II Samuel 10:18 compared with I Chronicles 19:18 Daniel 3:25 and 3:28 12 return to topics page