Psalms Primer (available on DVD/CD at out Bookstore) This is a short 6-hour introduction to the doctrinal design and function of the book of Psalms. Table of Contents Lesson 1 Introduction: the book of Psalms position in Scripture, & the Davidic Covenant Lesson 2 The 5 mandates of the Davidic CovenantThe five sections (books) contained within the book of Psalms Lesson 3 Book 1: Psalms 1-41; The Redeemer Lesson 4 Book 2: 42-72; The DelivererBook 3: 73-89; The Avenger Lesson 5 Book 4: 90-106; The KingBook 5: 107-150; The Blesser Lesson 6 Summaryabuse & misuse of the book of PsalmsSermon on the Mount