Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
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Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
During the Third Installment of the Fifth Course of Punishment, though God was silent, Israel was fully capable of realizing the situation they were in. The Scriptures gave them their history up until this time, with the books of the prophets describing the installments of the Fifth Course of Punishment that was in effect. In particular, a very special section of the Scriptures was designed to be used at this time – Job through Song of Solomon.
Through these five books, God educated Israel in the reality of the predicament they were in. As well, He provided them with a detailed description of their hope of deliverance that was coming through the Christ, along with instruction on how to live in the midst of Israel’s apostate system. These five books provide essential edification for the remnant of Israel, and will especially do so in the Fifth and final Installment of the Fifth Course.
In Job, Israel’s predicament of being in Satanic captivity is set forth. The Lord allowed Job to become Satan’s captive for the purpose of educating Israel in the nature of this predicament.
Psalms extols the virtues of the Davidic covenant – Israel’s only hope of deliverance from their predicaments. Psalms is divided into five sections, each one focusing upon one of the five mandates of the Davidic covenant.
Proverbs provides the believing remnant with instruction on how to live in the midst of Israel’s apostate system.
Ecclesiastes provides reproof regarding the vanity of the wisdom of the world and its ungodliness.
The Song of Solomon doctrinally instructs the faithful remnant to remain faithful, despite the time involved in waiting for their deliverance.
The full function of each one of these books awaits the Fifth and final Installment in the Fifth Course of Punishment.