not be ashamed to be considered filth of this world
not tolerate the fornicators of this world
not be swayed by the fashion of this world
Opening of the epistle presents its doctrinal design, purpose & structure; also wherever the epistle is placed (Romans – Philemon) has something to say about its design & purpose!
Ex: Romans 1:11; establishment
I Cor 1:1-3; addressing sanctification
Focus of this study of I Corinthians is about sanctification; its three components having already been taught in Romans 6-8
dead to sin
alive unto God
adoption/sonship (being treated as an adult, not as a child)
Review 3 components of “godliness”
“ungodliness” has 3 components, Rom 1:18 >Rom 1:21-25 (ungodly thinking) >Rom 1:26-27 (ungodly living) > Rom 1:28ff (ungodly labouring)
How God’s word is used to effectually work within to change your thinking, living & labouring
Rom 121:1-3 (how to think about self)
Rom 12:4-5 (how to live with your changed thinking)